Yoga with Melia - Ubhaya Padangustasana in cave

What is yoga?

Traditionally, yoga is an ancient Indian philosophical and spiritual practice consisting of 8 different limbs covering all aspects of a person's lifestyle, with the ultimate goal of liberation or enlightenment through meditation.

Nowadays, the yoga classes commonly offered at studios and gyms focus mainly on the third limb - asana - which is the physical practice of postures traditionally meant to prepare the body for long periods of seated meditation.

Connecting the body, breath and mind...

Although practising asana will improve your flexibility and strength, it is not simply a set of stretching and weight training exercises. The physical practice must connect with the rhythm of the breath and an awareness of the movement of the body and thoughts in the mind, working towards directing the focus of the mind inward.

I like to think of yoga as a personal journey to a stronger, more mobile body and a tranquil mind. It is not about achieving a goal of putting your feet behind your head, it is the process of learning about your body, how it moves and feels, how it changes and can be protected. There is no prerequisite of being flexible or strong to practise yoga.  All you need is the willingness to practise - the effort of practising at whatever your level of skill is beneficial for your body and mind.


Reverse prayer pose in front of Azulejo wall Melia yoga Melbourne